We look at the root cause of your IBS symptoms rather than just treat symptoms.


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) BS is a very common digestive disorder seen in modern-day society, it can be a long-term condition that causes recurring discomfort in the abdomen and altered bowel habits. About two in 10 people in the UK have IBS and get episodes six times a year or more. How long a flare-up lasts varies from person to person and may change from one episode to the next. 

An IBS diagnosis is nothing more than a term given by your GP or gastroenterologist which often means, they aren’t able to find out what the root cause of your symptoms really are. Unfortunately, symptoms can prevail for years and decades even unless you can find out what is causing the imbalance.  

Many of my patients have gone through a round of different dieticians, GP’s, and specialists with some getting some improvement and others getting some temporary relief and others getting little to no improvement with their symptoms continuing to cause them discomfort. 


Reflux/ Diarrohea/ Distension/Gut Pain/ Food Sensitivities/Nausea/Constipation / GERD / / Fatigue /Joint Pain/ Alternating bowel habits


During our initial consultation, we will look to explore the cause and triggers for your digestive distress which can include.

  • Over use of antibiotics.
  • Birth control pill.
  • Use of acid blockers.
  • Constipation/Low motility.
  • Gallbladder disease/Liver dysfunction.
  • Poor digestive enzyme production.
  • Excessive carbohydrates/sugar/fructose in diet .
  • Excessive Fat/Protein in the diet.
  • Prolonged exposure to stress


At Integrative Nutrition Clinic, we’ll go beyond the standard tests and generic treatments to get to the bottom of your digestive problems and provide you with long-term solutions. With access to some of the best labs in the world, we are able to look at:

  • Digestive function and nutrient absorption 
  • The health of your microbiome 
  • Inflammation, IBD, SIBO, leaky gut & Candida 
  • Pathogenic parasites 
  • Levels of beneficial bacteria


Our approach to any IBS health issue should be acknowledged as a multifaceted process that comprises:

  • Identifying particular treatment objectives
  • Comprehensive assessment by your practitionr of all aspects that impact your well-being, such as environement, psychological, nutrition, and lifestyle factors
  • Formulation of a comprehensive treatment scheme
  • Execution and continual upkeep of the plan by means of regular monitoring and modification.practitoner

We can help you optimize your health so you can feel your best again.


Integrative Nutrition Approach

Unlike the tradtional approach to IBS which is symptom management, our team of Iintegrative nutritionists will go levels deeper and look at the root cause of your IBS. We will then tailor an integrative approach using nutrition, targeted supplements and lifestyle to arrest symtpoms and get you feeling good again.

Supplements and Probiotics

For resolution of IBS symptoms, we need to look at what is causing it in the first place and recommend very specific probiotics that and supplements that scientific  evidence for the intended outcome


There are very specific tests that we use at the clinic that are clinically relevant to find what is causing digestive issues such as SIBO breath testing, comprehensive stool testing,organic acid tesing and food senstivties/allergy testing.

Stress Management

Continued stress triggers has a negative impact on the eco-system of the gut. In addition to diet and supplements, we will look to recommend lifestyle changes and advise on stratgies to manage stress management which will alter the microflora which will have postive benefits to the host.

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Appointments can be In person via Telemedicine