Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth


Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) refers to an elevated presence of bacteria in the small bowel, characterized by an overgrowth of diverse bacterial types typically present in the colon rather than being attributed to a singular bacterial strain.

The excessive bacterial population in SIBO can disrupt the proper digestion of food and absorption of nutrients, primarily due to harm inflicted upon the mucosa lining. Furthermore, this mucosal damage in the small bowel has the potential to result in a condition known as leaky gut or intestinal permeability. This, in turn, may lead to various adverse effects, including the development of food allergies, food intolerances/sensitivities, and overall inflammation.



Low Stomach Acid/LLiver and Gallbladder Dysfunction/Food Poisioning / Antibiotics / NSaids/ IBD / Leaky Gut /Impaired Motiltiy/Structural Abnormalities

SIBO Symptoms.

SIBO Risk Factors


In the conventional treatment of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), antibiotics often serve as the initial intervention. However, numerous studies indicate that despite antibiotic treatment, approximately half of all patients experience recurrent episodes within 6 to 12 months. Within the realm of nutritional intervention, our preference in the clinic lies with herbal antimicrobials, which have demonstrated more favorable outcomes. Nevertheless, addressing the overgrowth represents just one facet of a comprehensive treatment plan for optimal results, aligning with the functional medicine approach that emphasizes identifying and addressing the root cause while tailoring treatments to individual needs.

One critical aspect that demands investigation and consideration is gut motility. Research reveals that individuals with SIBO frequently exhibit delays in small bowel transit time—the duration it takes for substances to traverse the small bowel. By providing additional support for motility and addressing other crucial aspects of the digestive tract, we have achieved notably high remission rates for SIBO. Given the complexities inherent in this condition, a thorough examination of medical history is essential for understanding potential underlying dysfunctions. Our team of SIBO experts is available to guide and support you throughout your treatment, crafting personalized protocols tailored to your unique circumstances.


We can help you optimize your health so you can feel your best again


Integrative Nutrition Approach

There are a number of nutritional interventions which have sound scientific evidence to help treat SIBO. Each approach will have their own nuances and will depend on the indvidual and will take into account test results to determine the best approach.

Supplements and Probiotics

We will advise on the appropriate supplements, such as probiotics and prebiotics, at the optimal stages within your treatment regimen.l


The preferred method for SIBO testing involves the gold standard breath test. This examination measures the levels of hydrogen/methane gases after a 24-hour preparation diet and an overnight fast. While the NHS SIBO testing employs the same procedure, it necessitates involvement from a gastroenterologist, potentially extending the process over several months.

Herbal Antimicrobials

Unlike conventional medical practitioners who commonly rely on antibiotics for addressing digestive issues, often resulting in additional complications, our methodology entails utilizing specific antimicrobial herbs for a designated duration. This targeted approach aims to eliminate bacteria in the small intestine.


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Appointments can be In person via Telemedicine