Thyroid Disease

About Thyroid Disease

The last decade has seen an increase in thyroid condition with a number of people still remaining undiagnosed. Located in the back of the neck and butterfly-shaped, it’s also a key regulator of metabolism in the body and with receptors on every cell, it produces affecting every major organ in the body. Thyroid problems particularly affect body weight, fatigue, gut health, fertility, depression and hair loss. When a dysregulation of the thyroid is suspected, your GP will run a TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) blood test. The potential problem here is that a clients test results don’t fit within a very narrow range with a standard thyroid panel. The standard thyroid panel usually includes only TSH and T4 which doesn’t tell the full story. Additional markers need to be tested on a comprehensive panel such as free T4, T3 and reverse T3 which will give a lot more detail on what is going on with an individuals thyroid.

Some patients are given thyroid replacement therapy without looking for the underlying cause. In a lot of cases, if you can find the underlying cause, the thyroid will fix itself without any medication. 

Causes of Thyroid Disease

We can see from the research that up to 90% of all thyroid cases are autoimmune with Hashimotos being the most common. As mentioned, to simply measure thyroid-stimulating hormone will not give you a clear overview of the health of the thyroid.

Simply measuring thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is inadequate for getting to the true nature of the condition and for addressing the root cause. Low thyroid function can be secondary to other causes such and these must be investigated for accurate diagnosis and treatment. At the clinic we look at thyroid in a more integrative manner, and its relationship to other hormonal imbalances. Some of these imbalances could be.


  • Hypothyroidism Caused by Pituitary Dysfunction from High Cortisol 

  • Thyroid resistance 

  • Inadequate conversion from T4 into T3  

  • Elevated Thyroid-binding globulin (TBG) causing hypothyroidism 

  • Hypothyroidism Caused by Decreased TBG

Low Levels Symptoms

  • Weight gain

  • Depression 

  • Cold feeling 

  • Poor memory

  • Fatigue 

  • Dry hair and skin

  • Constipation 

High Level Symptoms

  • Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) 

  • Brittle nails 

  • Increased sweating 

  • Insomnia 

  • Palpitation  

  • Insomnia 

  • Loss of appetite

Treatment Considerations

Stress – As stress has a huge impact on thyroid hormones and pituitary health, this area is a very important area in treating the thyroid.

Nutrient Defiencies – Check for specific nutrient defiencies that are linked to thyroid health.

Assess Gut Health and Microbiome Balance – A combination of stool testing, breath test and organic acids testing to see if any potential pathogens including SIBO, Candida and parasites are causing gut infections contributing to hypothyroidism. 

Nutrition – A range of nutrient deficiencies can be present in thyroid problems and must be corrected for optimal thyroid health which can done through diet.

Lifestyle – It goes without saying that the choices we make about our lifestyle choices contribute to our wellbeing and our hormone levels.


Appointments can be In person via Telemedicine

We can help you optimize your health so you can feel your best again

The Process


At your first appointment, we will look to go through your intake forms and review your lifestyle, diet, symptoms and genetics and explore what is causing your symtoms.


If needed, we can look at at specific lab testing that can provide a more detailed understanding of what is contributing to your health issues.


Depending on any test reults, your practitioner will evaluate your symptom development and an action plan will be put in place.

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44 7881650438

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Business Hours are 08.00 to 19.00 Monday to Friday and Saturday 09.00 to 12.00

Saturday consultations will be conducted by video/telephone.

If you live outside of London or abroad, we offer consulations via Skype, Zoom or Teams.

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